Posted in: Web Development

Special Offer

Special Offer for those who use,, or other free website publishing sites.

We are here to offer you a customized solution pending on your audience, and needs. With today’s censorship and the #moderndaybookburning, the #truth movement, and #alternativemedia you could lose all of you content in a split second without any notice. A few examples of this situation is Dr. Fetzer and The Government Rag. Luckily we had a suspicion that this would happen and took action, securing the content and files.

Don’t let this happen to you!


Services Offered at a reasonable cost

  • Secure web hosting with free SSL certificate
  • A Domain name of your choosing (if needed)
  • Encrypted and Secure off-site backups
  • Custom website design
  • Optimized for all devices
  • Comments and User control
  • and more based on your needs

Contact Us Today for a free evaluation!

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